Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ordeal — It's Getting Harder To Stay Young And Stupid

Just recently, Sam Uriss mentioned how it must be a big ordeal to move through a crowd if you're really fat and smoke a lot of weed. Well, that reminded me of this little demo from a while back. It's by the band Ordeal, from way over in Washington state. See, over there there's a thing called the Legitimate Brotherhood, where basically a lot of the hardcore bands from the entire Pacific Northwest are friends and have a nice website to show themselves off. This is a demo I got off of there, among many others. This is one of the better ones, at least of you're into more youth crew-y stuff. It's just some interesting jams, kind of along the lines of Floorpunch.

Ordeal — It's Getting Harder To Stay Young And Stupid Demo 2004

Track Listing:
  1. Lost Time
  2. Cultural Awareness
  3. New Age
  4. Fear Of Failure
  5. One Lie
  6. Gave It Away
Band Bio from the Legitimate Bros site:

Ordeal was Bellingham Straight Edge. We played hardcore, straight up and down. This band started just as the Ripped To Shreds era was coming to an close. We had long talked of doing a project in the style of our favorite bands of the "Youth Crew" era. We played our first show in the winter of 2003 and recorded our demo just after the new year. We were a D street staple and played a handful of hype shows from Vancouver, BC to Olympia. Some heads were more interested in pop punk bands, some heads moved, some heads fell off their edge and some even did a combination of those things. The band was pretty much dead sometime in 2005 just after our first and only tour down the west coast, although we would make a rare appearance now and again before playing our last show ever reuniting to open things up for our friends in Blue Monday's last show. Shortly after this another founding member broke making that the absolute final time Ordeal would take the stage. Peace

Legitimate Band Site

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