Offsides rules. Hard. A lot of female-fronted hardcore bands either go too far and turn really crusty and ridiculous, or come off kind of soft and poppy. Not Offsides (or the Libyans… just sayin, that band's sweet too…); this is really good, really sincere hardcore that just happens to have a female vocalist. I guess the lyrics are a little different from those usually written by dudes, a little more emotive and ambiguous, but that's not really a bad thing. Anyway, the music is sweet, vocals are sweet, and from the pictures it looks like they have a really sweet live show. Definitely trying to catch them the next time they come around. I don't really know too much about this demo, but it came out a couple years back and is of reasonable sound quality. Plus it has an intro AND an outro, so it has to be good, right? Also, any band named after a Ten Yard Fight song is a necessary part of your life. Get into it.
Track Listing:
- Intro
- No Direction
- We're Messing With Texas
- Sets Us Back
- Growing To Fit
- Outro
Offsides is a female fronted, kind of melodic straight edge hardcore band from Florida. They have a full length and a couple of splits out, and generally rip it up really well.
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